Prairie Naturals Organic Fair-Trade Spirulina, 400g powder Review

Prairie Naturals Organic Fair-Trade Spirulina, 400g powder

  • Super green food
  • Proven fat fighter
  • Effective Anti-inflammatory
  • Fair trade

Spirulina is an edible water-grown algae. Some consider it a complete food. It contains 60-70% protein plus a variety of other nutrients including the essential fatty acids, GLA and linoleic acid, vitamin B12, iron, RNA, DNA and trace minerals. It is such a good source of protein and vitamin B12 that it is recommended for vegetarians or those who cannot tolerate meat. Its high protein levels also helps to stabilize blood sugar if spirulina is taken between meals. The essential fatty acids in spirulina help to regulate high cholesterol. Spirulina also contains a significant amount of chlorophyll, which speeds the release of toxins from the bloodstream. Chlorophyll is useful for increasing the oxygenation of tissues because a molecule of chlorophyll resembles the human hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying) molecule. There are no known toxicities, side effects or contraindications to the use of spirulina. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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