PFN+ (quart) Review

PFN+ (quart)

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PFN+ (PHYTO FORMULATED NUTRIENTS +) is made up of organic Soy + extra nutrients that may help boost digestion and energy by providing enzymes and saccharides necessary for optimal cellular communication. It’s believed that Phyto Formulated Nutrients + will allow the body to create all the sugars the body needs. PFN+ is believed that it will not allow the protein molecules to split, thus helping the body’s digestion and assimilation processes. PFT+ may further help to increase oxygen levels, while helping to raise your pH; this can protect you from free radical damage. It’s also believed that PFN+ provides energy directly to the individual cells, and enhance the electromagnetic fields in the body causing increased energy. In 1 analysis it showed Phyto Nutrients had 3 digestive enzymes, Amalase, Lipase and Protease. 2 Metabolic enzymes, Catalase and Super-Oxide Dismutase.

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