Original ( Flax Hull Lignans ) 3 month supply Review

Original ( Flax Hull Lignans ) 3 month supply

  • Supports Immune System Diabetics Brest Prostate High Blood Pressure Health

The ORIGINAL: Lignans extracted from the Hull of the Flaxseed. This product is direct from the inventor of the mechanical extraction process and no other company is able to produce the quality, we have the research to support these claims. Flax Hulls Lignans (FHL) Health Benefits, Boost the body’s immune system significantly; ED and EL mimic estrogen in the body and is the best natural HRT replacement for women in menopause; Overcome symptoms such as “Hot Flashes” often experienced by women going through menopause; ,Flax Hulls are the best natural substitute for estrogen for both men and women experiencing menopause; ,Reduce excessive free radical activity in the body; ,Flax Hulls provide the Daily Value (as recommended by FDA, USA) of Vitamin B12 in the form of Cobalamin; ,Provide excellent dietary fibre; ,Helps with hair loss , We have research available to help you choose to buy or even market this product. contact us . Flax is a major source of dietary intake of lignans with high concentrations (0.7-1.5%) present in the seed. In fact, Flaxseed is the richest known source of both alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and the phytoestrogen, lignans, as well as being a good source of soluble fiber . Studies have shown that flaxseed and lignans has numerous health benefits (Kurzer et al 1995), (Jenab et al, 1999), better blood sugar control

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