GliadinX 90 Capsules – Scientifically Proven to Break Down Gluten – Review

GliadinX 90 Capsules - Scientifically Proven to Break Down Gluten -

  • GliadinX protects against cross-contamination and accidental gluten ingestion.
  • GliadinX containts the the highest concentration and most effective formulation of AN-PEP (Aspergillus Niger Prolyl Endopeptidase). AN-PEP is the only clinically proven enzyme to neutralize gluten before it can enter the small intestine.
  • GliadinX is intended to support, not to replace, a physician prescribed gluten-free diet.

GliadinX is the most effective dietary supplement neutralizing gluten. It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet without cross contamination or accidental ingestion of gluten, resulting in unintentional and also sometimes intentional exposure to gluten. GliadinX contains the highest concentration of Tolerase G * (AN-PEP) formulated for increased activity based on scientific research . All ingredients are registered with the FDA as NDI (New Dietary Ingredients) or GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). GliadinX contains only gluten-free ingredients and is manufactured in a cGMP certified facility ensuring that the final product is not cross-contaminated with gluten.

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