Frequency Foods Amylase Enzymes (Discover the importance of Amylase) 100ct Review

Frequency Foods Amylase Enzymes (Discover the importance of Amylase) 100ct

  • Acts like an anti-histamine!
  • Excellent for allergies, asthma, coughs, congestion, digestion!
  • Cleanses the lungs of accumulated mucous!
  • Excellent for food poisioning scorpion or bee stings!

A highly concentrated cultured enzyme. Aids the body in digestion, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and cleansing of lungs. Truly your best friend for freeing yourself from these stubborn issues. It can turn your life around! Acts like an anti-histamine. If you get stung by a bee or scorpion or have an allergic reaction to something, it can help stop the poison or response in its tracks. Is infused with energetic frequencies. Gluten free.

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